Glitter Sticker Set

Hello and thanks for stopping by at greene edition today. Welcome to the glitter sticker set. I was inspired to make these stickers by a challenge called ‘switch your style’. I have used the glitter stickers with the 6×6 31 Days album, the 6×8 album maker and the pocket page 01 What can I say? Perfect matches.

glitter sticker set

I made this glitter sticker set on a girly night with pink curlers in my hair, wearing  glittery pink nail polish on my finger nails and alternating darker yet also glittery pinks on my toe nails. You could say I nailed it. The challenge that is. Switch your style by Marisa is something that I had a lot of fun doing, though I am not entirely sure as to yet if I can sustain that change on a permanent basis. Walking down Gltter Ave and back to where I came from (note: it was not Glitter Ave.)  was really refreshing. And that is why there is also a knit hoodie in Glitter Land just in case … you need some contrast to all this icy glitter.

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