New Layout Templates October Open
Hello and thanks for stopping by at greene edition today. Welcome to yet another party gift celebrating greene edition’s 1st anniversary. Here is a new layout template set that comes with a bit of extra as it has a bunch of layer styles included. The layers are all retro-ish since I am slowly getting into the retro mode and moving into way more retro this November and December and January that is for sure. If you want to know what I am cooking up next, stop by at the PS Forum and check out the upcoming colors for blog trains.
This template set is again in the tradition of my initial Baby Book Album and follows the concept of making layers invisible. The same applies here for the October Open Templates. Make some photo layers invisible, move the photo layers around or resize them. There is an entire album sitting in this one template. Or two.
New Layout Templates October Open
A bit of the layers are invisible on the next spread which caters for quite a unique look. I love the background paper and the styles on this one.
Below is one spread by myself, a photo centered variation, this time filling up all the photo layers to document a road trip to the Lost Coast in New South Wales.
Many thanks to Marly Ramirez for this fantastic spread with the I Dig Kit and the October Open Templates.
Enjoy this Template Pack for free thru October 2018 in the store.